Understand Uses of NIE Number and Residency Card With TorreviejaTranslation
Spain is no doubt one of the most beautiful European countries. Its rich culture, cuisine, geographical location, etc., make it a perfect place to live. Apart from these, Spain is also a country with high education and work standards. Therefore, many people from all across the world visit Spain for these purposes. However, moving to a country for the short and long-term includes legal paperwork. And many times, non-residents of the country get confused with them. Generally, the main topic of concern is the difference between NIE number Spain and Spanish residency.
Both the legal permits have their respective uses. But people often confuse one with another. NIE number has nothing to do with legal residence. It is just a permission that allows you to do legal activities in the country printed on stamped paper. But Spanish residency card is a legal permit for residence in the country. Spanish residency can be acquired by Non-Europeans and Europeans through proper channels.
There are many more things that leave people in a jumble apart from NIE Spain and residency. All these issues generally relate to legal paperwork. However, today, many facilities are available that can pull people out of this chaos.
One such facility is TorreviejaTranslation. The company is one of the best available facilities for the people. It is here to clear all the confusion related to Spanish legalities. At TorreviejaTranslation, you can find several types of guides that can help you figure out major portions. For instance, many people do not know about the residency permit procedure for the European and non-European citizens. So, whether you want to know about procedures to get permits in Spain with an NIE card Spain, or any other, you can rely on TorreviejaTranslation.
The company also offers some Spanish Residency guides for different purposes. Some of them are as follows:
- If you want to know how a non-European married to a European citizen can apply for Spanish residency, you can find a guide for it.
- Moving from the United Kingdom to Spain is a unique procedure because the country is no longer a part of the union. So, you can understand the procedure through a separate guide available on TorreviejaTranslation.
- If Canadian citizens also want to know about the residency procedure, they can look for the Spanish Residency 2021 Definitive Guide For Canadian Citizens on TorreviejaTranslation.

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